New and Peachy

Thanksgiving is coming but nobody cares...

Hola Familia, Amigos y Cualquier Otra Persona que lea este Email, We went into Walmart today and I couldn't quite determine the emo...

Monday, October 30, 2017

FaceBook Update

Hey Friends and Family!!!

I just wanted to let y'all in on a little juicy piece of information, my mission is now allowed to use FaceBook as a proselyting tool! 

So. I am sure that brings up a lot of questions in your mind. At least it did in mine!

It will from now on be myself (Sister Draper) posting to my profile instead of my mom (Thank you Mommy for your diligence in posting for me over the past months!). I can accept Friend requests, y'all will get to see my profile as normal, and also get to see what I am up to here in Georgia! 

Many of my posts will be in Spanish, just a heads up. The people I work with here in ATL is my main focus. FaceBook is a tool to help me communicate better with them and share the Gospel to all. 

If you would like to message me, still use this email to do so. At this point in time, I won't be responding to Facebook messages from friends and family. Please don't let your feelings get hurt when I don't respond!! I'm not ignoring you! Communication with y'all I will have 2 hours for each Monday. So continue to email away!

I am so grateful for this blessing I have to use social media to share the Gospel! God is so good and I love this chance to spread more of Christ's light throughout cyberspace as well as to the people here in Georgia! 

Con Amor,
Hermana Draper

There was frost on our windshield this morning... YAAAAAA!!!!

Happy Halloween Tomorrow!!!

Gotta love the cooling temperatures and all the pumpkins that are scattered across front yards left and right. Such a blessed time of year with the changing colors of fall! 

To all my FFA pals: I HOPE CONVENTION WAS AWESOME!!  #ForeverBlue

Guess who is back with me. HERMANA BARROSO!! MY STAR WARS BUDDY AND LOVER OF ALL THINGS ARTSY. AHHHHHHHHHH!!! If you can't tell, I will put it like this: I am happy to have Sister B as my companion again :) Funny though how we are having to learn how the other teaches and works again after not being together for 4 and a half months! I love that girl so much!!!!

We read with Iris in the Book of Mormon 2 Nephi 31 to talk about the Gospel of Christ and it went so well! We are just to the point where she really needs to ask God to know if it is true or not. 

Maria and the kiddos are as crazy loving as ever and we got to talk with them about service and being nice to each other lol. With 3 boys between the ages of 6-9 it can get a little rough :) I love listening to their prayers as we start and finish lessons because they are so simple and pure. Children opening their hearts to their Father in Heaven. 

Jony got his patriarchal blessing on Saturday!!! He told us that is was the sweetest, most special experience learning a little bit more about the potential he has and God's divine plan for him. He is growing so much!! OH! AND HE GAVE A POWERHOUSE TALK IN SACRAMENT MEETING. That's my recent convert :)

I think I may be getting my hopes up super duper high for this adorable family that we met, but I can't help it. We met Madai knocking doors and when she opened the door she looked at me, saw I was white, and tried to say Hello. I heard her whisper something in Spanish to the little 2 year old she was holding, so I slipped straight into Spanish to introduce myself and Sister De La Rosa. Big smile :) She let us in and we shared a brief message about the love God perfectly has for each of His children. We went back this Monday night and her husband, Daniel was home too! He works in construction and it rained that day, so he was home. We ended up being late to our next appointment, but I wanted to take advantage of Daniel sitting in on the lesson!!! We talked about the Plan of Salvation and they both accepted us to come back Wednesday night at 8 pmwhich is when Daniel gets home from work. We brought along a member that I ADORE Hna. Araya and we taught the Restoration. Solid. So perfect. They both committed to read in the Book of Mormon between our next lesson and we will go back to teach them tomorrow!! I have so much hope for them, they are so loving to their little boy and I just want to see them come unto Christ SO BAD!!

Church turned out interesting! In a good way. Ana, a less active (the same one who taught me to make tortillas) brought a family to church! But... they don't really speak Spanish... So... we asked them if they wanted to go to the English congregation the next time with the English sisters but they said they wanted to practice their Spanish.... so... we are meeting with them Wednesday :) The Primary is practicing so hard for the program in 2 weeks!! Which means I bring brownies or cookies every week to keep them behaving. 

Maria got her temple recommend and we are headed to the Atlanta Temple this weekend!!! And Thursday for Zone Conference... It's gonna be two times in one week!!!!! Can't wait to be within La Casa del Senor once again :) 

No puedo expresar muy bien el amor que pudeo sentir por mi Senor. El es my roca y confio en El con todo mi corazon. El me conoce y me ayuda en todo momento. Que grandes noticias!!! Podemos tener esperanza en El y con Su fuerza podemos vencer el mundo. Sigue adelante :)
Con Amor,
Hermana Draper

PIC: We are missing a few of em, but here is a majority of the Spanish missionaries in the Atlanta Mission!!!

Monday, October 23, 2017

No be lazy gringa!! Hagas las tortillas a mano!!


Spanglish translation of the subject line: Don't be a lazy white girl, ya gotta make them tortillas by hand. 

Ya. So I learned how to make tortillas by hand. By two different ladies from Honduras. One was when we stopped by to teach Iris and she was busy making a HUGE batch of tortillas, so we stayed to help her finish and then read with her in the Book of Mormon. Iris can make about 5 tortillas in the time I can flatten out one. Ayy. But hey, when I made them again with Ana on Saturday I was faster and could make 1 in the time she did 3! Improvement people. That's all that matters. 

We had a couple lessons with Maria :) Oh she is doing so well and growing so wonderfully in the Gospel! Everything just makes sense to her and gosh oh goodness it's a blessing to behold. She is feeling the spirit so much and has noticed a difference in her life! There is such a peaceful light in her eyes since her baptism. 

Oh! Peeps. We had a miracle with Aracely!! So we taught her Tuesday and left her with 3 chapters in the Book of Mormon to read (SHE left herself with 3 chapters to read, we were thinking like 1 since we would be seeing her the very next day). Went back Wednesday.... SHE READ 4 CHAPTERS??!!!! WHAT THE WHAT??? She said, " I like to put it on the voice thing and listen to it so I can imagine it better!!" She loves the stories :) Coming unto Christ step by step :) We are praying she will get baptized as planned in December!

Met the sweetest member family who moved into the area about 4 months ago.. but we were barely given the address last Sunday. We stopped by the address and met Kiara and Angel from Puerto Rico!! Such a cute little family with two kids (Aloyanne immediately sat next to me and cuddled up to my side). They are trying to figure out how to come to church since they have been working Sundays since they moved here. They want to come so bad!! God will provide a way :) 

Remember my friend who got baptized a little bit ago in a different state?? GUESS WHO FLEW OUT OF THE ATL AIRPORT AND GOT TO COME VISIT ME????? HER!!!! My mission president approved the visit and I got to teach her one of the new member lessons!!! Best hour ever!!! So much fun to see her and a gift to see the change in her countenance in person. Wow, the miracles that happen in the field. 

FRIDAY WAS OUR BOOK OF MORMON ACTIVITY NIGHT!!! All the hours of set-up and planning and brain storming came together in to a laughter and smile filled evening with our Spanish members!! The English wards were invited too, but they were lame and didn't realize what they were missing out on, only 2 families came from their side. From our branch lots of members came!!! 3/4 of the Branch!!!  Spanish for the win :) Pics attached to enjoy :)

Sunday... uhh... friends... Sister De La Rosa and I did a musical number in Sacrament Meeting. As those of you who know me well and have maybe heard me sing in the car  know that I don't sing. Hence why I play the piano. But. Sister De La Rosa asked and I had to do what she begged since she's leaving on Wednesday to a different area. So... friends. I played the piano to accompany Sister De La Rosa singing... and... I sang too. Elder Wheatley held the mic next to me since I don't have the lung capacity to sing without one. Se Hara Senor Tu Voluntad --- Thy Will Be Done Lord. It's from the 2017 LDS Youth Theme. The Spanish version is so much prettier than the English one. Or that's just my ears and I like the flow of Spanish now and think English sounds ugly.  I survived! And my voice didn't crack. Success. Though, never want to do that again. I will just stick with my piano. 

So I am staying in Cunningham and also staying a Sister Training Leader! I enjoy getting to know the sisters better as an STL so I am happy to continue serving in that capacity. Sister De La Rosa is headed out :( Gonna miss that sister but excited for my new comp that I will get on Wednesday!!!

I loved this quote that was shared recently by my mission president and felt I needed to pass it along the line :)

A Yearning for Home --- Pres Uchtdorf "God knows your every thought, your sorrows, and your greatest hopes. God knows the many times you have sought Him. The many times you have felt limitless joy. The many times you have wept in loneliness. The many times you have felt helpless, confused, or angry. Yet, no matter your history—if you have faltered, failed, feel broken, bitter, betrayed, or beaten—know that you are not alone. God still calls to you...When you walk the path of discipleship—when you move toward Heavenly Father—there is something within you that will confirm that you have heard the call of the Savior and set your heart toward the light. It will tell you that you are on the right path and that you are returning home….Turn your soul toward the light. Begin your own wonderful journey home. As you do so, your life will be better, happier, and more purposeful."

I'm not the best with words and I can't express my love of the Lord as eloquently as some. But I  know without a shadow of a doubt that we have a loving Father in Heaven who is mindful of us and we have a Savior who is with us through the highs and lows. 

Con Amor y Muchos Abrazos,
Hermana Draper

Pics from the activity and a random door we knocked that shared my birthday evidently... they didn't answer the door though, so we couldn't celebrate together... triste...

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

The sweetest sound is water running in the font...

Hola Amigos y Familia!!!!

I hope you are all enjoying all things pumpkin and fall right about now!! Can't believe it's already October and that it's already half gone!! AHH. 

So, to finish what happened on my birthday! We left emailing to go run over to an appointment we hadn't wanted to cancel once our Pday got changed to Tuesday... because Tuesdays are the only day that Edith can meet! So we kept the appointment and headed over. We had a wonderful lesson on the Plan of Salvation and Edith loved it! She said that she had grown up with people just telling her to behave or she'll go to a place of fire and suffering. She didn't like that thought, but she she tried to find out more about where we go after this life, she couldn't find answers. And then we laid out with my Plan of Salvation cut outs (simple is best) on her carpet and it all clicked into place. Sis De La Rosa started to set up the environment for the baptismal question and I could feel the spirit start prodding me to ask her. So I followed the Spirit and asked her if she'd like to be baptized by someone holding the proper priesthood authority... SHE SAID YES!!! We have only taught her 2 real short lessons and then the one we were teaching her That day but she is so prepared!!! Excited to see how Edith grows and progresses :) Best missionary bday E.V.E.R.

3 cakes. Bowling. Lot's of fun times with the awesome members in Cunningham. They spoiled me :) 

Taught Nancy again this week!! Went so good :) She just needs to build up the courage to come to church!! She keeps thinking that she knows herself sooo well and that her change of heart won't last, but we keep telling her she doesn't know what she is capable of with GOD on her side. 

Exchanges!!! With the Marietta/Mableton Sisters!!! They serve the exact same area that we do, just they speak English. I went with Sister Gubler who is a hilarious human that I love dearly. She was in the acting program at USU last year and boy, that girl can teach so well for only being out 3 months! We had a neat experience!! Miracles galore :) So we headed to an appointment and we had 45 minutes to knock around the neighborhood before the apt. As we looped around the street to find parking I got a VERY distinct impression to go knocking in a certain part of the neighborhood. We parked and I mentioned the feeling to Sis Gubler and we headed to the part I felt impressed to go. We had knocked 3 doors in that 45 minutes. Because 1 door, the person wasn't home, the other 2 both let us share our message!!!!!! Peeps, lessons right off the bat don't usually happen while knocking. And what's even better... the first door was a latino family :) And I taught about the Book of Mormon to the mom who let us in and her 2 daughters. The spirit was sooo strong and Sis Gubler had her dream come true to sit in on a spanish lesson lol. "Sis Draper that was SOOO COOL!! I had NO IDEA what was going on but that is SOOO COOL!!!" The 3rd door was a really cool English speaking guy named Abraham and the sisters are going back to teach him next week!!! The work is so wonderful :)

 Maria (ha, one of the 3 Maria's we teach) just got baptized on Saturday and that was special. Special isn't even an adequate word!! So many members from the branch came to support her (3/4 of the branch) and her family from Athens GA and from Stone Mountain!! She was grinning from ear to ear and was SOOO HAPPY!! I stayed at the side of the font, holding the towel for her once she got out, and gosh that feeling of joy and love and the Spirit warm fuzzies is simply the BEST. I gave her a hug even though she told me Voy a mojarte!!! 

Lizbeth and the kids came to church!! They still are loving it :) Slowly but surely with them :) And Maria received the gift of the Holy Ghost!!! She joked that she no longer drives home along from work, she always gots a buddy :) 

And as promised, the pictures from the baptism last week and this week!!! With Erica and Maria!! And a picture from bowling :) 

My heart is full. Yo se que estoy en el lugar donde el Senor me necesita Y me llena constantemente con un gozo inexpresible!! yo se que la iglesia de Jesucristo has sido restaurado por medio del profeta Jose Smith y que el sacerdocio esta en la tierra otra vez!!!  

Con Amor,

Hermana Draper

Thursday, October 12, 2017

21 doesn't feel any different than 20. Just sayin.

Hola y'all!! <<<<(attempting a mixture of the two cultures I live in)

Crazy fun week :) That's how they seem to be going lately :)

I pray that each of you are doing well and enjoying this beautiful journey called life! The path God led me on is treating me great out here in Georgia!!! Plus, it's my birthday and so far it's been peachy :) Some members are taking us to lunch as well as bowling later today. Fun times when the anniversary of the day you escaped from the womb lands on Pday :)

There were quite a few appointments and wonderful miracles this week! 

The Elders sent us a referral for Claudia and oh goodness, that lesson was wonderful! She told us about her life and how she has been searching for peace and just can't seem to find it. We talked to her about the Restoration and about the fulness of joy and peace she can find in Christ. She wants to grow closer to her Savior and wowser the Spirit was just so sweet in that lesson!! 

Aracely has a baptism date for December!!!!!!! It's a little ways away because there is a few factors holding her back at the moment... works on Sunday, smoking, and a couple other things. But with the power of the Atonement, all is possible and we can have our slates wiped clean :)

At President Interviews on Friday, Sister De La Rosa and I set up an obstacle course as part of our training. We used red yarn and tied it back and forth all over a hallway and had the missionaries go through it as we hummed the mission impossible theme and laughed our guts out. We used it to represent the principle of obedience. God has not given us commandments just to make the journey difficult, obedience is not an obstacle course. Instead it is a way to receive blessings and help from our loving Father in Heaven and a way to show our LOVE. 

We had a couple more lessons with Iris! She is so willing and open to learning!! Plus, her husband is pretty nice, though whenever we are there he quickly eats because its his lunch break and then leaves. Hopefully soon we will be able to teach them together! 

Nancy. Nancy. Nancy. We teach her a couple lessons then she disappears for a month and then we get back in contact and the same thing happens again. But this time we feel it is a little different. We decided to stop by one morning after teaching Maria and Nancy opened the door with teary eyes. We came in and she sat down and poured out everything that has been happening and how she feels so lost. "How did my life get to this??" We sat and listened. As she calmed down, the words just started coming to us as we testified that she is not alone and that God has a special plan for her. We talked to her about how she lived with our Heavenly Father before coming to earth and that she chose and accepted His plan. That He loves her and is waiting for her to come back to Him. We visited a couple days later and taught the entire Plan of Salvation lesson and her words>>"Sister, You are blowing my mind right now" hahaha love that lady :)  

Saturday I had the blessing to attend the baptism of Erica. I am sure many of you don't remember, but if you were to look back through my emails in May you would find one about an incredible experience finding and teaching a woman named Erica. Since nobody got time to go digging through emails I will give ya a quick recap. Sis Barroso and I were driving down the road in Chamblee on our way to an appointment when we saw a cute Latino family out washing the driveway. We both felt that we needed to stop and talk to them but didn't want to be awkward about it (seriously, my life). We pulled over a little farther up the street and knocked all of the doors on that street, including talking with them. That family washing the driveway was Ninfa and her kids. While knocking we met Erica and she invited us back. Fast forward, I left Chamblee and went to Cunningham but knew Sis Barroso and Sis Whiting were still teaching Erica. AND LAST SATURDAY SHE GOT BAPTIZED!!! And guess who also showed up at the baptism to support their neighbor and I got to give them all hugs?? NINFA AND THE KIDS!!! God is in the details people. When Erica got to the church building the day of her baptism, she saw me and gave me the biggest hug asking why I had had to leave and how happy she was to see me. I felt SO happy. There just aren't words. Erica told me about the prayer that she had said outside the temple on the grounds when she was feeling nervous about getting baptized a couple weeks ago. She explained that as she prayed that this feeling came over her, tingles, warm fuzzies, love, peace, and she knew that everything would be alright. That she was making the right decision. The Spirit is awesome, let me tell you. 

We have been meeting with Maria as much as missionarily possible! October 14th here we come!!! She is full of light and it is such a blessing to see her this happy. She told us about telling her sister that she was getting baptized and her sister started crying :) I am so excited for Maria to enjoy the gift and companionship of the Holy Ghost and have that guidance in her life. As well as enjoy the blessings of the temple!! Already can't wait to go with her! Saturday is going to be another precious memory, I already know :)

I invite yall to check out at least 1 general conference talk this week!!! So many good ones to choose from :) Love you to pieces :)

Pics to come next week :)

Con Amor,

Hermana Draper

Monday, October 2, 2017

Bubble Soccer + Me = a good ole time

Buenas Tardes Amigos y Familia!

At this precise moment in time my neck is a little sore from.... BUBBLE SOCCER!! Yup, you better believe it, Brother Pettita offered to come and provide Bubble Soccer for our Zone P-day and whalooaaa it happened after a few changed dates due to that random hurricane a bit ago. It was a hoot! Loved being with all the crazy missionaries in the ATL area. *also, one of the photos attached is pretty cool because I am sideways touching the ball with my feet... that explanation doesn't make sense so just scroll down and look at the picture.  

So this week was one of those didn't-plan-in-lunch-time-because-we-were-so-busy weeks and boy I LOVED IT. Lots of lessons, wonderful people, and of course... la comida latina ;) The way to my heart as everyone knows... through my stomach. 

Update from last P-day: Sister De La Rosa's hair turned out fine!! Prayers were answered and the dye didn't fail us. 

In the same trailer park we met Iris and Sara. Iris is a mom of 2 cute kiddos and from Honduras. Sara is from Mexico and has had a very rough life. The lessons we have had with each of them have brought me near to tears as we talk to them about the plan our loving Heavenly Father has for each of us. When we asked Sara to say the closing prayer in our second lesson she looked at us and said ok, proceeded to give a simple prayer and afterwards told us "I've never prayed before. That was the first time." Beautiful moment. 

Exchanges with the Atlanta Sisters! Always a fun time. I went with Sister Richman and Sister Collings, two sisters that I adore!!! I served with Sister Collings in my last zone, so you can say that we were pretty happy to see each other again :) We taught these two hilarious older black ladies that made my heart so happy. Christine had these HUGE white glasses, navy pantsuit and cute lil red flats. Adorable and such a southern lady :)  Also served for a minute at the Food Bank! I am slowly improving at the speed in which I can find the expiration date on an item of food. #ResumeSkills.

Maria is getting baptized in 2 weeks!! We can't wait!! It got pushed back a week due to some appointments of hers that had to be moved from this last week to this week. But she is loving every lesson! We brought a member from the Branch the last two lessons about the commandments and they went wonderfully! Maria came and watched conference at the house of a different member too! It's happening with her and I love her soooo much :) She makes me laugh and she cooks the BEST food :) 

I have started teaching piano lessons to Ashley, a cute lil member in the Branch. She's learning so stinking fast!! And she practices. Why am I so lucky? 

Our investigator family didn't show up to the Family Home Evening we had planned at a member's home, but that's alright. We did the activity anyway and had a ball! We did a scripture scavenger hunt after the lesson and the kids went wild running around trying to figure out the scripture hints. Cookies were the end prize :) 

General Conference. Can we just say that pretty much every talk was inspired and perfect? I LOVED how many talks were on the Plan of Salvation and how we are where we are for a purpose. I forgot my notes that I took, so I'll sure some thoughts I had next week. 

I love you all dearly and pray that you all are enjoying fall :) Keep searching for ways to help those around you and shining Christ's light :) 

Con Amor,
Hermana Draper