New and Peachy

Thanksgiving is coming but nobody cares...

Hola Familia, Amigos y Cualquier Otra Persona que lea este Email, We went into Walmart today and I couldn't quite determine the emo...

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Peed on by a squirrel! Alex Boyé was at church!

Family, Friends and Loved ones,  

Sorry for the weird subject line, but those were my highlights this week in a glance. I hope you all are doing wonderful as March is winding down! I love you all and am so grateful for your support :) 

I find that the more I talk in Spanish, the more weird things I say. Oh well. Makes it entertaining for everyone else :) The members and investigators will crack up when I mix up words with totally opposite words that sound the same to me. Or I just stare blankly at people and they repeat themselves 4 times. I am grateful for the endless patience of these wonderful people I love. 

Amanda. The name of a squirrel that had been caught and tamed by a member in the Chamblee Spanish Branch. The member had given Amanda to the elders and they brought her to District meeting so we could see her! She sat in my pocket and slept for a short bit, climbed on my head. And she became really still while sitting on my shoulder.... yup, my shoulder felt really warm and when I looked down there was a large wet spot on my shirt and some little squirrel poops. We ended up releasing her to the wild (right outside the temple grounds) and as soon as we set her down, she started walking into the street. Goodness. We picked her up and stuck her in a tree to help get her animal instincts kicking back in. 

Saturday was beautiful. Ya, the weather was great, but so many wonderful experiences happened as well. First, I GOT TO SEE SISTER LUNT!!! We arrived at the Atlanta Temple to meet Juan there (a recent convert) for his first time inside the temple and as we were walking towards the front of the temple I saw this sister waving/walking toward me. Let's just say I had a freak out moment when I saw Sister Lunt's face. Oh it was like hugging a piece of home! For those of you who are wondering who on earth Sister Lunt is, our families used to live right down the road from one another, her younger brother is great friends with my older brother and I love the Lunt fam to death. I knew she was in the Georgia Atlanta Mission too, but I didn't know when I'd get to see her. Such a blessed day! And seeing Sister Lunt only kicked off an incredible experience with Juan in the temple. We all felt the spirit so strongly as Juan did baptisms for the dead for the first time. He was baptized for and in behalf of his dad! So neat. 

This week we had General Women's Conference for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints!!! It was so wonderful to sit in a church here in Georgia and watch the broadcast from Salt Lake City, Utah. You Utah folks, you are so lucky that the times are normal for you... it feels so late watching the broadcast at 8 pm instead of 6pm! Our mission president counseled us to write down questions that we had, and then watch as they are answered by the Conference Messages. So, I wrote down a question that has been running through my mind and low and behold!! It felt like all four of the talks Saturday night during the General Women's Conference were directed specifically to me and what I needed! Wowsers. So inspiring. The Spirit was so strong during that meeting and I felt the unity of the millions of fellow women across the globe who are striving to be holy and good, right alongside me, in this world. If you didn't get the chance to watch the broadcast, don't fret: has it. And I invite every single one of you to watch General Conference THIS WEEKEND!!!!! I am so pumped to hear from the Lord's mouthpiece on the earth today and receive direction from the living apostles and prophets! Goodness gracious I'm so excited if you can't tell. 

I was playing the accompaniment for the congregational hymns at church on Sunday and  GUESS WHO I SAW SITTING IN THE BACK ROW OF THE CHAPEL??? ALEX BOYE!! He only stayed for Sacrament Meeting then left, so I didn't get a chance to obtain a picture as proof (sorry, you'll just have to trust me). I don't think he speaks Spanish... but I'm guessing a Latino congregation would be not at all likely to recognize him... so smart thinking on his part. 

We got transfer news. I don't like saying goodbye to the missionaries that are leaving our area and going to somewhere else in the mission. It's sad. But I know they will do marvelous things elsewhere in Georgia :) 

God is aware of each and every one of us. No matter what stage of life we are at or where in this world we are. He loves you. He loves you as much today as he did last month, nothing you do can change that. Christ is always there with His arms outstretched to us, bidding us to come to Him. His infinite Atonement is for us to use daily, to grow, repent, and progress. To become like Him. Take that leap and ACT on your faith. 

Yo se que nuestro Salvador vive!!

Con Amor, 

Hermana Draper

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